Dont Let Broken Links Hurt Your Real Estate SEO Strategy
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May 4, 2023
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Dont Let Broken Links Hurt Your Real Estate SEO Strategy

As a real estate professional, having a strong online presence is crucial for attracting potential clients.

However, broken links can seriously harm your SEO strategy and website traffic. In this blog post, we'll discuss what broken links are in the context of real estate SEO, how to detect them on your website and effective strategies for fixing them to improve your search engine rankings.

What are broken links in real estate SEO?

Broken links in real estate SEO are hyperlinks on your website that no longer work and lead to error pages. These dead links can harm your search engine rankings, as they disrupt the user experience and decrease the authority of your domain. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly check for broken links and fix them promptly.

Backlinks from other websites can also contribute to broken link issues. If one of the external sites linking back to yours has a dead link, this can negatively impact your own site's integrity and trustworthiness. It is important to monitor both internal and external links regularly for any instances of broken or dead URLs.

Definition of broken links

Broken links are hyperlinks that direct users to non-existent web pages, resulting in an error page. They occur on real estate websites due to various reasons such as outdated content or website redesigns. Broken links not only hurt the user experience but also negatively impact your real estate SEO strategy by reducing the credibility of your website and decreasing its search engine rankings.

Regularly fixing broken links improves SEO performance and user experience on your website.

Identifying a broken link on your website is simple using tools like Google Search Console or online services like Broken Link Checker. Regularly checking for and fixing broken links improves user experience, eliminates backlinks errors, ensures proper indexing of web pages by search engines, and ultimately enhances the overall performance of your real estate website's SEO strategy.

Impact of broken links on real estate SEO

Search engines like Google view broken links as a negative signal, indicating that the website is not being properly maintained. When there are too many broken links on a page, it can negatively affect the search engine rankings of that page and even the entire site. This is because search engines see dead or broken links as an indicator of low quality content.

Having few or no broken links can improve SEO rankings by showing that your website has high-quality content and providing users with a positive experience. On the other hand, too many broken links could hurt user experience, resulting in lower site traffic and engagement rates.

In conclusion, for real estate businesses looking to improve their SEO strategy, ensuring all backlinks are working correctly should be a top priority. By regularly monitoring and fixing any dead or broken links on your website, you can improve both user experience and search engine rankings.

How to find broken links in your real estate website?

Don't let broken links damage your real estate SEO strategy. Broken links can harm your website's search engine rankings, leading to fewer visitors and potential customers. To find these problematic links, use a broken link checker tool or manually review all of your site's pages for errors. Taking these steps will help ensure that all of the links on your website are functional and enhance the user experience. Make sure to regularly check for any new broken links that may arise in order to maintain optimal performance and ranking on search engines like Google.

Using broken link checker tools

Benefits of using a broken link checker tool:

  • Saves time by automatically scanning for any broken links on your website
  • Helps improve user experience by removing any frustrating dead-end links
  • Boosts SEO efforts by ensuring that all external and internal links are functional

Top broken link checker tools for real estate websites:

1. Ahrefs - Offers a comprehensive backlink analysis, including identifying and fixing broken links.

2. SEMrush - Provides an in-depth audit of the entire site, including checking for any 404 errors or other issues with URLs.

3. Google Search Console - Free tool offered by Google to monitor and fix website issues.

How to use a broken link checker tool effectively:

1. Schedule regular checks to ensure that all new content is scanned promptly

2. Prioritize fixing high-priority pages first

3. Use redirects when necessary instead of deleting outdated pages

Checking for and correcting any broken links on your real estate website shows search engines that you're maintaining the quality of your site while providing users with valuable information they can trust in their property searches

Manually checking for broken links

Manually checking for broken links is still a crucial step in ensuring a smooth user experience on your website. While tools can help identify broken links, they may not catch all issues and can sometimes even produce false positives. Here are the steps to take when manually checking for and fixing broken links on your real estate website:

  • Review each page of your site thoroughly, clicking every link
  • Use Google Search Console or other webmaster tools to locate any additional broken links
  • Correctly redirect any URLs that have been changed or removed

To prevent future issues with broken links, it's important to follow these best practices:

  • Regularly monitor your site for new or updated content that could include outdated internal or external links.
  • Update internal linking structures as necessary.
  • Consider using plugins such as PrettyLinks which allows you to easily manage URL redirects.

By following these simple steps and staying vigilant about maintaining an error-free site, you'll be able to keep visitors happy while boosting your real estate SEO strategy.

How to fix broken links in your real estate website?

Broken links on your real estate website can negatively impact your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. To fix these broken links, you have a few options. First, consider updating or replacing the broken link with a new valid one. Alternatively, 301 redirecting the broken link to a relevant page can also solve the issue. Lastly, if the content is no longer relevant or useful for your audience, it may be best to simply remove the broken link altogether. By taking action to fix these issues promptly and effectively, you can improve your website's user experience and SEO ranking in no time!

Updating or replacing the broken link

Identifying and fixing broken links on your real estate website is crucial for maintaining good SEO. Here are some steps to update or replace those outdated links:

  • First, use a tool like Google Search Console to identify any broken links on your site.
  • Next, find appropriate content (either on your own site or elsewhere) to link in place of the broken link. This could include updated statistics or more recent articles related to the same topic.
  • Finally, when updating anchor text for better SEO, make sure it accurately reflects the page you're linking to and includes relevant keywords.

By regularly monitoring and updating broken links on your real estate website, you can ensure a positive user experience while also improving your search engine rankings.

301 redirecting the broken link

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect that directs a user from one URL to another. It's an essential tool in website maintenance as it helps preserve SEO rankings and improve the user experience. To create and implement a 301 redirect on your website, you need to understand how it works. First, identify the broken link by checking your analytics or using tools like Google Search Console. Then, set up the redirection through your web server or content management system.

However, excessive use of redirects can hurt your site's performance by slowing down load times and causing confusion for search engines crawlers. Use redirects sparingly and only when necessary to avoid damaging your real estate SEO strategy. It's important to weigh the benefits against potential drawbacks before implementing a 301 redirect on any given page of your site that has broken links.

Removing the broken link

When it comes to removing broken links on your real estate website, timing is key. It's important to determine when it's best to remove a broken link completely or replace it with a working one. However, before doing so, ensure that removing the link won't negatively impact user experience by checking if the page contains valuable information for users.

One effective way of monitoring and identifying dead pages is by using Google Search Console. By regularly reviewing the console's coverage report and crawl errors section, you can quickly identify any broken links on your site and take action to fix them. Remember that keeping a clean website with no broken links will improve your real estate SEO strategy in the long run.

The importance of regularly checking for broken links

Broken links can significantly impact your real estate SEO efforts by lowering your website's ranking. When search engines crawl and index a site, they follow all the links on that page to determine its relevance. If some of these links are broken, it signals low-quality content to search engines and results in lower rankings.

In addition to hurting SEO, broken links also affect user experience negatively. Nothing frustrates users more than clicking on a link only to find out that it leads nowhere or gives an error message. This not only discourages them from exploring further but also damages the credibility of your brand.

Thankfully, there are tools available like Google Search Console and Broken Link Checker that can help you easily identify and fix any broken links on your website regularly. By doing so, you'll not only improve SEO but provide an uninterrupted browsing experience for visitors as well.


To ensure your real estate website is optimized for SEO success, it’s essential to take action in identifying and fixing any broken links. Broken links can harm your site's user experience, lead to lost traffic, and negatively impact your search engine rankings. Regularly monitoring your site helps prevent future issues with broken links. By improving the user's experience on your site, you improve its credibility in the eyes of Google.

By removing all instances of broken links from real estate websites, you can significantly improve their SEO strategy. A well-optimized website will not only rank higher in search engines but also deliver a better user experience that drives more leads to sales funnel or convert them into customers quickly. Investing time in regular checks and improvements will pay dividends when it comes t ranking high on SERPs.

Dont Let Broken Links Hurt Your Real Estate SEO Strategy

As an SEO specialist, I have a strong passion for keyword research and focus on exploring relevant topics.

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